
“It was itching” explains the cabinet of the town hall of Compiègne. Due to these symptoms felt in users, the city has Closed the Huy swimming pool At the request of theRegional Health Agency (ARS), Friday, January 24. ARS authorized the reopening of the basin Friday, February 7, after two weeks of analysis. “Both on water quality and air quality,” said Mayor Philippe Marini.
These itchy are explained by a excessive trichloramine rate. “In aquatic establishments, the chlorinated alkaline products used for the disinfection of the waters of the basins react with organic materials from bathers (urea in sweat and urine, hair, cosmetics, etc.), writes the National Institute for Research and safety (INRS). They generate chemical compounds that can be harmful. “
Too high trichloramine level
The Institute describes trichloramine (or nitrogen trichloride, NCL3) as “a very irritating agent”. This molecule, at the origin of the characteristic smell of pool halls, can cause eye irritation, skin and respiratory, even in the event of short -term exposure…. The harmful consequences of trichloramine increase with its concentration in the air. ”
This rate of chloramine, still present, had arrived at the limit of the threshold in this Huy swimming pool. Only schoolchildren and associations frequent the basin, but not the general public.
“Several measures were taken quickly in order to return to swimming water satisfying the criteria of the ARS,” continues the mayor Philippe Marini. This required corrective measures, ordered to our operator, Engie. As well as repair work at the establishment’s ventilation system. ”
Air quality measured in real time
“The city has established new procedures for accessing the swimming pool and managing this equipment,” says the mayor. To prevent repetition of this type of incident. “
The city has invested in alert probes measuring air quality in real time on certain parameters. “Thanks to these internal measures and our provider Engie, and the collective efforts of school enrollment and clubs, we will be able to guarantee the continuity of school education and the smooth running of sports associative activities in the best conditions.”
The opponent Etienne Diot reacts
This information worries the opponent Etienne Diot, who reacts. “Bassins, sanitary facilities, showers, tiles … The Huy swimming pool has been deteriorating for years,” he describes. And we put rustines there. Meanwhile, Philippe Marini still invests € 250,000 to renovate the equestrian stadium. It’s ubiquitous. The mayor’s equestrian passion cost 3.5 million euros to the taxpayer since 2020. ”
“The priority is to put real means to renovate this pool of public and educational interest,” he considers. But also to renovate the Suffering Compiégnoises Sports Infrastructure. ”
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