“There is the clear and clear existence of a drug trafficking justifying immediate appearance, ”said the prosecutor. Hakim Boudi was checked behind the wheel Monday, January 27 after consuming cannabis resin. He was the subject of a judgment three days later in Compiègne court.
On that day, the police control it after a lack of driving, concerning the use of the indicator. They find on him € 1500 in cash. It is to pay the mechanic, he justifies. By investigating more, the police update the existence of supposed drug trafficking.
With three mentions in the criminal record, the accused has already made detention. Senlis’ jurisdiction had pronounced against him the four -year sentence for trafficking.
“We hadn’t seen you since 2018,” said the president. You were careful at Sato (addiction care center). Why have you put back in traffic? ” “There has been a drop in activity in the industrial sector where I work, even in temporary workers … he explains. When I worked, I did not consume. “
A year and a half firm required
Justice seized the sum of around € 11,000, on its bank account, considering that money came from drug trafficking. “This sum is consistent with the quantities entered from the defendant, estimated at € 8,000,” says the prosecutor. This bank account hardly lives. Regarding the € 1,500 found on him, he claimed that this money had to pay the mechanic for his vehicle. It does not hold because the garage said it was not necessary. ”
The prosecutor requires the sentence of thirty-six months in prison, including eighteen months with probationary stay, with an obligation of addictological care. He requests the warrant of deposit. As well as the confiscation of the vehicle, the € 1,500 in cash and € 11,356 on its bank account.
A firm year
“This file could have been present in appearance with prior recognition of guilt (CRPC),” says defense. The facts are widely recognized in a second step. The proceedings are essentially based on his declarations. It is a “low cost” dealer that rolls in Twingo. The bank account confirms its extremely modest lifestyle. It is his partner who pays the rent. Everything is consistent. It is troubleshooting, even if it remains drug trafficking. Monsieur needs a framework but not an unsuitable prison frame because he has professional qualifications. ”
The court releases the defendant partially concerning the duration of the facts, considering that traffic began in July 2024. He still received twenty-four months in prison, including twelve months suspended probationary for two years, with obligation of care and work. He goes directly to prison. The court confirms the confiscation of the vehicle, the € 1,500 and the € 11,358.88.