On this stealthy video of a passerby, there is a person on the ground, struck by individuals among whom there would be at least one police officer.
Thursday, January 23, a fight broke out around 5 p.m. at the exit of the Sévigné Institute, in Compiègne. A settlement of accounts between high school students?
“That’s not it,” said one of the two high school students struck on the ground. This 17 -year -old minor, currently in terminalsaid that he had been the victim of a tobacco passage by the family and relatives of his rival, in front of this Compiégnois establishment. “There were police among them,” he said.
The student says that he will file a complaint with the gendarmerie soon. He missed a week of lessons, to recover from the blows they received. “I was struck on the ground, I was reached, I was hooked …”, he said. A scene confirmed (with the exception of the Taser) of the parents of horrified students of what they saw that day, in the peaceful rue de la Sous-Préfecture.
“An investigation is underway, as well as the investigations diligent,” says the prosecutor.
Thursday, January 23 around 5 p.m., at the end of the classes, just in front of the school of the establishment which also educates kindergartens, primary and college students, the student of terminal was accompanied by two classmates. All wore the Sévigné uniform, set up in 2018.
“We ended up on the ground, but other people arrived to hit me”
“I challenged him by his first name,” said the student of the final year, about the student with whom he was angry. This one is in second. “I wanted to know why he boasted of having had the upper hand over me,” he said. It displeased me. ” A futile pattern, therefore. He called her three times by his first name, but the second student remained from the back. At the end of the fourth time, the second set his bag, turned around and sent the first time, according to the student of the final year.
The two belligerents found themselves on the ground. “He was on me and I was back to the ground,” continues the 17 -year -old high school student. And very quickly, I received someone else’s blows. ” He explains having received kicks on the lower body. “I got in pain,” he comments.
He then said he saw a human tide melt on him. Three adults “including two with police armbands,” he said. (Writing note: we do not distinguish said armbands on the video above)
Two of his friends describe the scene and confirm the presence of the police.
“There were police among them,” said a mother who called the newspaper and who came to get her child at the exit.
The establishment of the establishment confirms the presence of police officers.
“A police car has landed”
“They started to push everyone and gas around them,” continues the student from the final year. They continued to hit me while I was on the ground. I managed to get up. But someone pulled my shoulder bag to prevent me from leaving. I took some blows. I removed my bag to run away. And an adult continued to run after me. ” It would be the father of the second student, who exercises the profession of police officer. The witnesses ensure that they have seen a lady using a sparkle, explaining that it was the mother of the same student.
The Terminale pupil headed towards the city center. But a national police car has arrived. A woman and two men came down. “They catch me, put me to the ground and I get some blows,” he says. It was there that he said he received tasers (self-defense weapon that sends electrical pulses). “At the time, with adrenaline, I didn’t feel much,” he says. They released me and said “get away”. “
This is what surprised witnesses to the scene. Why did the police release this young man whom she had apprehended? “Normally, when the police stop someone, she takes him to the police station,” says the same mother, who saw everything. But there, she let him go, telling him to be careful next time. ” “I thought I was going to finish in police custody,” admits the student of final. He says he received a last blow in the games, before taking refuge in the school.
Pledged face, red eye, torn clothes …
“The director placed me safely in a closed room,” continues the high school student she had a discussion with the police officers present in front of her high school. ” An exchange that the student struck on the ground has not heard. He then called his parents who took him to the hospital. He had a swollen face, a red eye, jaw pain, torn clothes … “The doctor took pictures of my injuries,” he said. I took three strokes of a taser. ”
The young man missed a week of lessons and could not play the Gambardella cup with AFC Creil.
On the high school side, sanctions were taken, in the best interests of the students. The student who testifies is to express his gratitude to the staff of the establishment “who protected me”, he says.
The police station incriminates the student
On the side of the Compiègne police station, we remain discreet on this affair which is on the prosecutor’s office. We are content to indicate that the student of terminal, in question, made terror reign in the establishment. He played the game of submission with the students of the lower classes. There was an aggressive verbal exchange between the two students in the afternoon and the terminal would have said in the second that he was going to “plant” him by attacking the supposedly light manners of his mother.
Even if we recognize, in the police station, that the expression “planting” was not necessarily going to conclude itself with an acting with a knife, a sort of ambush had been formed at the exit of the Institute With the friends of the terminal blocking the two outings to trap the second student.
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