“When the household waste collection adapts to dealers sensitive neighborhoods of Compiègne.” This is the title of a report broadcast on the channel CNews on the morning of Sunday December 1st. There is talk of a collection schedule, brought forward earlier in the day, at a time when the drug traffickers are not yet up.
“In this neighborhood, trash cans are used as a barrier to block the police,” recalls the voice-over. While the camera travels through Clos-des-Roses.
A resident spoke anonymously about these roadblocks around the deal points. “You can’t go out or come in, it’s blocked,” says this local resident, who is afraid for her family. Since June, in four districts of Compiègne, household waste collection has taken place in the morning between 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
“The dealers find the solution”
“A solution that relieves the residents,” continues the voice-over. But dealers find a solution with other street furniture.” Like the gates securing the work, used as an obstacle,” notes Oumar Ba, deputy delegate for the Clos-des-Roses district.
For his part, Mayor Philippe Marini is demanding a political response. Perhaps there should be “fewer public freedoms and more efficiency in the fight against drugs which undermine neighborhoods”.
The experiment with this collection earlier in the day will continue until June.
In the wake of this report, CNews columnists wondered if the dealers were not laying down the law, “given that we adapt to their activities”.