She has already undergone work in 2023 and 2024. The rue de Paris de Clermontalso a portion of the D916, should again be the subject of some developments in the coming months. The Clermontois community council, gathered Thursday, January 30, voted for the realization of this operation. It must also send subsidies to departmental services.
This work program includes, among other things, the creation of parking islets. As well as raised platforms at the intersection of rue de Paris with rue des Finets and La Ruelle des Ursulines. The developments must also make it possible to limit anarchic parking on this path, create refuge areas for cyclists and users of scooters. Finally, it is a question of securing pedestrian passages by prohibiting the parking of vehicles within five meters.
A way of community interest
The community of communes estimates this investment at 192,000 euros. She intends to take care of it herself. The inter -municipal authority has decided to make the Clermont part of the D916 a way of community interest.
This project is part of a larger program. This is added to the recent decision of Lionel Ollivier, mayor of Clermont and president of the country of Clermontois to spend the whole city in zone 30.
Work also in Agnetz
The country of Clermontois also plans to intervene in the commune of Agnetz. She intends to renovate her Robert-Weiss Street. The operation includes the renewal of the drinking water network. Which is the responsibility of the community of communes.
But it will ultimately manage the entire operation. And therefore advance part of the funds. She will then be reimbursed by the village for the game concerning her.