
They spend every two years. Some members of The Commission of Citizens for Human Rights (CCDH) demonstrated in Clermont on Saturday, February 15. The meeting place: the surroundings from the Isarian hospital centerthe department’s psychiatric care center.
The protesters had only one slogan: “No to the degrading treatment of psychiatry”. In particular, they intended to denounce “the abuses in terms of restraint and isolation”, practiced in it. A rally that brought together less than ten people. With the only spectators two gendarmes in the cold surveillance.
Against isolation placement
The CCDH claims to have been able to consult the register and other reports on the insulation of patients within the establishment of Clermontois. “They reveal a dramatic increase in the periods of isolation and restraint,” assure the members of this association. And to list:
- 2021: 231 days of maximum isolation, 98 patients hospitalized in free care subject to isolation or compression.
- 2022: 364 days of maximum isolation, 75 patients hospitalized in free care concerned.
- 2023: 365 days of maximum isolation, 103 patients hospitalized in free care concerned.
They take for example:
- 644 consecutive days of isolation for a patient (from August 22, 2021 to May 29, 2023).
- 382 consecutive days of isolation (from November 15, 2023 to December 1, 2024).
- 366 consecutive days of isolation (from December 12, 2023 to December 12, 2024).
- 302 consecutive restraints, including 228 days in a row for a single patient.
Not an official organization
The demonstrators request a new control of the CHI by the controller general of deprivation of freedom. The last inspection dates back to 2013.
Small precision that is important. The CCDH, despite its name, is not an official organization. It has nothing to do with other structure for the defense of recognized individual freedoms, such as the League for Human Rights. It presents itself as an association of general interest, which has the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the field of psychiatry and mental health in France. ” We are asked to believe them …
Miviludes Alert
As reminded MIVILUDES (Interministerial mission of vigilance and the fight against sectarian aberrations), the CCDH, and other similar associations, are controlled by members of the Church of Scientology. The latest report of the government structure In fact, and alarmed by “disinformation campaigns” set up against psychiatric care.
The CCDH does not deny this link with Scientology.
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