
Another business will unfortunately close its doors soon, in the downtown Clermont. This is the ready-to-wear store HomStylelocated rue de la République. He will lower the curtain on December 31. The managers, Véronique and Bernard Bulcourt, from La Neuville-Roy, have decided to take a well-deserved retirement.
“We opened our first store in 1975,” remembers Bernard Bulcourt. “We felt it was a good idea to settle in Clermont. At the time, we were very surprised by the number of employees, particularly with the presence of the Isarien hospital center (CHI.” He adds: “We have written a very beautiful story with our clients.”
“I made the most costumes in Picardy”
Gradually, the activities of the two traders grew in importance. Over the years, they opened several stores in Clermont. Including a women’s fashion boutique and another more aimed at young people.
But, for Bernard Bulcourt, his main activity remains the making of tailor-made suits. In the city and even well beyond, it has become a reference in the field. “For 20 years, I was the person who made the most custom-made suits in Picardy,” explains Bernard proudly. “These were costumes costing around 5,000 francs at the time.” Which corresponds, approximately, between “1,000 and 1,200 euros today.”
“We had up to 2,500 regular customers”
Their customers have also demonstrated loyalty. Even if, over time, Véronique and Bernard Bulcourt limited their activity to only the business on Rue de la République. “We have had up to 2,500 regular customers, some loyal for more than 30 years,” continues the merchant.
Bernard Bulcourt also changed his activity. From tailor-made, he made the transition to ready-to-wear. At the same time, he participated in the community life of Clermont. In particular, for a time, he joined the football club, as well as the tennis club.
Stock liquidation continues
If HomStyle lowers the curtain definitively, that of the business should reopen in the coming months. The managers reached an agreement with one of their neighbors, the manager of the women’s clothing boutique, “L’Armoire de Kate”. She should settle in the former Hom Style to develop her business.
In the meantime, HomStyle is continuing the total liquidation with discounts of up to 50%. The stock, reduced to 30%, still includes rare pieces, particularly in large sizes (up to 6XL). “We have already sold 70% of the stock, but there are still good deals to be had,” explains Bernard Bulcourt.
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