
While theformer deputy Jacques Krabal organizes a contestation meetingto lower the new prices of stays at theNursing fromCastel Hospital,, Michèle Fuselierthe first vice-president of Departmental councilAnd Sébastien Eugènedepartmental advisor, mayor of Château-ThierryChairman of the Agglo and the Supervisory Board of this Hospital, demand “the revision of these prices” and to place this question on the agenda of the next supervisory board.
If the words of the mail sent to the management of the hospital are chosen, the background of this letter is however extremely clear: “We ask you to review these prices, to register this question on the agenda of the most advice surveillance and organize a meeting with families within fortnight. ” The two departmental elected officials also believe that the regional health agency must be asked, “to compensate for the sudden financing loss linked to care in 2024, which even worsened the situation of the establishment.” Michèle Fuselier and Sébastien Eugène cast out this increase, because “weighing lack of funding only by families would be accepting a unilateral and unfair decision, which puts in difficulty a large number of nursing homes in our region”.
A situation discovered during the permanence of these 2 elected officials
Michèle Fuselier and Sébastien Eugène say they have read these increases during their permanence of February 7. “We have received four people who legitimately deplored an increase of more than 20% of the price of residence of the EHPAD Bellevue”, or about an increase of 400 euros per person. “This increase surprises us more than it has never been mentioned and even less validated, neither in the supervisory board, nor during the preparatory meetings for their holding.” These two departmental elected officials doubt more about legal viability “of such a decision” whose date of application is “prior to notification to families”.
There is therefore like a scramble in the management of the Jeanne de Navarre hospital in Château-Thierry by the acting management which is also attacked by political opponents of Sébastien Eugène.
A political response
Thus, this response from the two departmental elected officials, intervenes in a context where the former deputy Jacques Krabal moves Ciel et Terre to try to set up a list in the next municipal elections of 2026 and to fall outside his headquarters, the young Sébastien Eugène that The old deputy had however installed in his place due to the vote of a law on the non-cumulation of mandates.
Each day every day occurs in the south of the Aisne political information which shakes this territory, without however, the seismometers having detected the slightest earthquake. What could happen if it continues on the same pace …
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