The ambitions were revised downwards. Last June, during a public meeting, the municipality of Chambly (Oise) presented the ambitious project to create a brand new neighborhood southwest of the city. At the start, nearly 600 new homes were planned. Meanwhile, two urban walks on the themes of mobility and the environment as well as a stand-workshop were organized to collect the opinions and grievances of residents. A review collection form was also online. Trying to take into account the maximum number of remarks, the municipality therefore revised its project (a little) downwards. Instead of the 600 dwellings, (only) 480 will emerge in the coming years.
Not enough to reassure the 70 people present on Tuesday February 4 at the François-Mitterrand room in Chambly, on the occasion of the new presentation of the project: “it will be concreted thoroughly, it will be unlivable“,”You give us Cergy in Chambly, that’s all we don’t want“,”Why so many accommodation on such a small space?»»
A need for housing in the town
Opposite, Patrice Gouin, deputy mayor in charge of town planning, tried to calm the ardor of the most virulent. By recalling in the preamble the why of the how to create this new district. “”First there is a need for accommodation in the townHe explains. Using a diagram, the elected official tried to prove by A+B that there was absolutely new housing in Chambly to maintain the number of inhabitants. According to INSEE figures (National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies), the number of people per housing drops from year to year. If it was 2.92 in 1982 in Chambly, he dropped to 2.3 in 2021. Mathematically speaking, it is therefore necessary to have a lot and much more accommodation for as many inhabitants, or even for more.
“”But why want more inhabitants?Asked a Camblysian. Excellent question. “”Who says drop in the population says decrease in state endowments, with charges for the town that do not lower themargues Patrice Gouin. It would therefore be difficult to maintain cultural and sports activities, in particular, at their level.»»
Of the place for a gendarmerie and a high school
Second argument for the creation of this district, having room to build a new gendarmerie and potentially a high school. “”There is a need for larger premises for staff comfort, but also for the publicindicates the elected official. There are no good reception conditions for the gendarmerie today, we are very tight. ” The proximity of the new district with the RD1001 is a plus for the speed of interventions. Regarding the potential high school, the municipality wishes to acquire land which will then be serviced. “From the green light from the region, we can start the workPatrice Gouin promises. Except that the fire is far from green. About thirty kilometers away, in Chaumont-en-Vexin, a high school should already open by 2029…
Finally, the third argument put forward by the municipality, an economic need that is felt. Several companies as in the building forum would like to extend. Others would like to settle, but the place would lack.
48 dwellings per year for 10 years
To meet all these needs, the municipality sees a good eye the construction of this new district, near the station. A district which would therefore include 480 homes, in this way: 11 residences, 58 individual houses and 48 building plots. Between 2030 and 2040, forty-eight dwellings per year will be born on average. “”This is what we need to slightly grow the population“, Justifies Patrice Gouin.
Even if concrete will be important, the creators of the project have thought of vegetating the space as much as possible. First by limiting the creation of roads, then by valuing the wet and natural areas. Out of the thirty monopolized hectares, eighteen will be vegetated ensures the municipality. Not enough according to some protesters. “”We will replace 30 hectares of wheat with pesticides with 18 hectares of green spaces“Replied the assistant in charge of town planning.
In terms of traffic, new axes will help reduce the dense traffic of current tracks. A peripheral crossing axis will be created within the neighborhood. The gendarmerie and the high school will be in the west. An incoming access ramp coming from Paris will be born, to unclog traffic a little. In the other direction, negotiations continue with the SANEF to build an entrance ramp on the A16 to go to Paris. Finally, the Sente of the Pont des Lucluses will be limited to local residents. On the subject of road traffic, residents remain perplexed: 480 dwellings will necessarily bring hundreds of more cars on axes already very frequented, even blocked morning and evening.
OPAC will finance everything
And to finish, the nerve of war, money. The city assures it, taxes will not increase due to the creation of this new district. The OPAC will finance the adjustments and equipment 100%, and will reflect prizes to be built and housing to have a financial balance.
The project will not see the light of day in its entirety in 2040. In the meantime, the local urban planning plan must be changed this year. The ZAC creation file will be written next year. The works on roads and networks will start by 2027, then those of the gendarmerie in 2028. The first deliveries of activities will take place in 2029, and the first accommodation will come out of the ground from 2030. With the forties per year until ‘in 2040.