To carry out all its work, a municipality cannot finance itself. She relies heavily on grants allocated by the departmentthere regionas well as the state via different devices. Usually, the first two vote on their budgets at the end of the year. Depending on state allocations, the budget of the Hauts-de-France region chaired by Xavier Bertrand will only be voted on in the first quarter of 2025. The same goes for the department of Oise chaired by Nadège Lefebvre, whose budget will not be voted on next April. What about the municipalities, located at the very bottom of the scale?
HAS Chambly (Oise)the mayor David Lazarus is concerned about the fallout within local communities. “The government wants to make local authorities pay a huge part of the state debt even though we contribute nothing to it, he got annoyed during the last municipal council. We are plunged into darkness. Will the department continue to help municipalities? Will we have the same amounts as usual? We have no visibility on our financial partners.»
Twelve grant applications
The mayor therefore chose to increase the number of files that could possibly be financed. In total, twelve were voted on during the last municipal council. And not least. The first concerns the road repairs. There, the city hopes to recover €128,000 in subsidies out of an investment of nearly €162,000. Who says road repair says layout roads and networks. Out of nearly €190,000 in expenses, the city hopes to recover €147,000 in subsidies from the State and the department.
Level lightingChambly wishes to switch to LED the light points located in the public domain. In total, 1,339 points need to be changed. This will reduce the consumption of the municipality’s lighting system by 70%. The project amounts to nearly 1.5 million euros, phased over two years. The municipality is expecting a 40% subsidy from the State, via the local investment support grant (DSIL).
A eco-grazing zone for educational purposes must be carried out not far from the Walter-Luzi stadium. The installation of fences and the construction of a shelter for the animals is necessary. The municipality hopes to recover subsidies from the department and the State to help it with this expense of €65,000. Same thing for the development of a compensation zone at the stadium.
Sport, an important chapter in Chambly
Still around sport, the ground the Daniel Costantini sports hall must be redone. Basketball boards must be added. Subsidies from the department and the National Sports Agency (ANS) – which the mayor of Chambly chaired for a few weeks after the Olympic and Paralympic Games – are expected.
Two fields of airbadminton should see the light of day near the Marie-Amélie Le Fur sports center, which notably hosts the Chambly professional badminton team. The city is hoping for subsidies from the department and the ANS. If all goes well, the work will be carried out next summer.
Finally, to close the sports chapter (quite important in Chambly), the synthetic pitch at the Marais stadium should be replaced by an olive pit lawn. The State and the ANS should participate in this financial operation which still amounts to more than €450,000.
The city center also concerned
In the city center, some work also needs to be carried out. THE church belfry Notre-Dame requires strengthening intervention. The department, the region and the State should help the municipality in this project. A commercial premises located rue Aurélien-Cronnier, pre-empted in 2021, must be rehabilitated. The State, through the provision of equipment to rural areas, and the region through the revitalization of city centers must participate.
The city wishes to acquire a plot of land to create a orchard. The operation is estimated at €120,000 and should be subsidized by the region. Municipal police officers should renew their radio equipment. Cost of the operation: €12,000.
Will the house of arts and knowledge see the light of day?
Finally, Chambly still dreams of its House of arts and knowledge. This was initially scheduled to see the light of day at the end of 2019 near Place Charles-de-Gaulle. A grant request from the State should be submitted for a project which amounts to 7.8 million euros.
Obviously, the future of all these projects depends mainly on the subsidies that will be allocated to the city. We will therefore have to wait a few more months to find out what will be done, and what will not be done.