
This Monday, November 25, Bouzid Oublal appeared at the Beauvais court (Oise) for violence against his partner in the presence of a minor, repeat offender.
At 33, the man can nevertheless be proud of his social success. After a childhood spent from home to foster family, he experienced the children’s court, then the criminal court. But he decided to take charge to get through it. He redid his papers, passed his driving test, obtained his baccalaureate as a free candidate, obtained a BTS and a permanent engineering position. A great social success which also allowed him to put an end to his drug consumption, but which did not resolve his addiction to alcohol.
Despite a ban on contact, he lived with his partner
His partner has already paid the price for his violence in an alcoholic state, on July 29, 2020. He received thirty months in prison, including the part under probation, for violence against his partner and contempt. His sentence completed, he leaves prison at the beginning of 2021. Despite the ban on contact with his victim, he returns to live with her, Breteuil (Oise). She waited for him when he came out of detention. For non-compliance with the contact ban, he will return to his cell and will not leave until June 2023, just in time to pass and obtain his BTS. Shortly later, he learned that he was going to be the father of a little boy, now two months old.
After training, the insults rain
At the same time, Bouzid Oublal joined the football club, which allowed him to get some fresh air after a week spent often traveling for work. He appreciates Friday evening training, like the one on Friday November 22 which could not take place due to bad weather, which allowed the players to watch a match on TV while drinking a few beers. From time to time, Bouzid Oublal receives calls from his partner who fears seeing him arrive drunk.
He returns around 10:30 p.m. and explains that he had “need to breathe“. But the tone rises, the insults rain down but he insists: “these are just words“. Like, from what he says, he knows his limits. He leaves the scene and retreats to his car while this happens. He comes back around 3am. “I wanted to see my son», he explains to the president of the court who is surprised by such a desire. The accused justifies by a “I was angry“. His partner blocked the lock by leaving her key there. He still tries to open the door and bangs. Then he launches another burst of insults that he recognizes: “I was wronghe said, I spoke badly to her, I didn’t mean bad things about her“.
“Mom fucked all the guys in Beauvais, she’s the queen of whores”
Bouzid Oublal leaves again and waits for dawn to climb the balcony to the first floor. He enters and it starts again. He glares at his partner’s 10-year-old daughter and says to her: “mom fucked all the guys in Beauvais, she’s the queen of whores“. Then with his fist extended towards his companion who is holding the newborn in her arms, he says: “you are lucky to have my son in your arms, otherwise I would have smashed you, I would have killed you”. According to him, it would not have happened like this. He did climb the facade but after entering, he took a shower then chatted with his partner, until the arrival of the gendarmes called by his partner’s daughter and by the neighbor who saw him climbing the facade from the building while walking his dog.
Placed in police custody, he did not mention his escalation “so as not to dwell on this subject“, he preferred to declare that he had entered through the door of the apartment. Asked about his alcohol consumption, he admits that after his work week he likes to meet up with the members of the football club, to have a few drinks with them before the Sunday match. His partner sees things differently: “as soon as he drinks, he is no longer the same… he regularly comes home drunk from his football training“. That evening, he said, he only drank three beers. However, the president notes that twelve hours after the events, his alcohol level was still 0.33 grams per liter of blood. He justifies this by taking alcohol in his car while waiting for daybreak. New astonishment from the president: “do you wait for the effect of alcohol to pass by consuming alcohol?»
€500 and two years in prison required
The companion of the accused who “fears reprisals» does not constitute a civil party, so that an administrator ad hoc represents the interests of his 10-year-old daughter. Audrey Kauffmann uses the words of the young girl who heard her stepfather call her mother a slut and a whore: “she said “I was shaking, my head was ringing” ? It’s a burn-out, the brain switches off and goes into survival mode, which will trigger hypervigilance and stress. It will be difficult for her to rebuild her life in this toxic couple.» She is asking for €500 in damages for the child.
The prosecutor can no longer stand seeing the defendant hide behind alcohol: “it is not an excuse, it is the engine of violence. His partner, marked by years of violence, can no longer stand him coming home drunk. She’s had enough! His criminal record speaks for itself: fifteen convictions, he is a repeat offender, he faces ten years! Even from prison, during his incarceration, he called her to tell her I’m going to kill you.» He is asking for a sentence of twenty-four months in prison, including eighteen months in prison, with a committal warrant and six months under probation.
He will spend sixteen months behind bars
The defense lawyer, Emmanuelle Grevot, is outraged: her client does not minimize as the prosecutor says, he recognizes everything except the threats. There is no physical violence, there are only words, simply denigrating and violent insults. His client denies having raised his fist, acknowledges the insults and makes no excuses. “He simply says what he has done since his release from prison: earning his place in society after a difficult youth, she pleads. Yes, he still has flaws, but we must take his efforts into consideration and allow him to keep his job.»
Bouzid Oublal was found guilty. He was sentenced to twenty-four months in prison including sixteen months in prison with committal warrantand eight months on probation with obligation to work, psychological and alcohol care. He will owe his victim who will receive €500 for his moral damage. He will no longer have to meet his partner and his daughter or appear at her home. The thirty-year-old will be equipped with an anti-reconciliation bracelet and the court ordered the withdrawal of the exercise of his parental authority over his son. Finally, he will no longer have to possess weapons for five years.
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