
As a preamble to community council of the Beauvaisis agglomeration this Thursday, December 12, President Caroline Cayeux paid tribute to Marianne Seckelected opposition representative from Beauvais and regional councilor. “Our colleague Marianne Seck is going through an ordeal of rare pain», began Caroline Cayeux.
“I express all my support and affection to him.», continued the president. She reveals that the mother and father of the Beauvaisian elected official were victims of the two accidents that occurred this weekend of December 7 and 8. Marianne Seck, also a regional councillor, was also injured along with her sister.
Two accidents occurred this weekend
This Saturday, December 7, a woman was indeed hit by a car near the Jeu de Paume shopping center. She was taken care of by emergency services and then hospitalized at the Amiens hospital center. The next day, Sunday December 8, an accident involving her husband and her two daughters occurred while they were going to visit her.
The first elements indicate that at the exit of the A16 southwest of Amiens, the car of Marianne Seck and her family was hit by that of another motorist. The driver was found to be under the influence of alcohol and drugs. He was arrested and taken into custody. Through its president, the Beauvaisis urban council addresses Marianne Seck:unanimous support and expresses his most sincere condolences“.
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