
HAS Beauvaisthe future of employees of the logistics platform Dispeo is suspended from the decision of the Commercial Court of Marseille. Their company, Dispeo, is placed in receivership. And the group to which it belongs, hopps, is in judicial liquidation. The judgment was originally to be pronounced on January 6. Finally, he was pushed back to Wednesday February 12. Two applications were submitted.
One to take up the Beauvais site, and the other to take over that of Evreux. In Beauvais, the group on Monday morning positioned itself. This candidacy is similar to good news for employees because the group from Montpellier (Hérault) would retain the vast majority of jobs. Caroline Cayeux, the president of the Beauvaisis agglomeration, therefore wrote to the president of the Commercial Court of Marseille to support this file.
Specialist in business management software
In her letter, Caroline Cayeux says he met Benjamin Chalande, the group’s co -founder and leader on Monday morning. He “very precisely exposed us to the trajectory of his group, his experiences and success in terms of the recovery plan of societies in difficulty“Indicates the president. If it is originally specialized in the development of business management software, the group has since diversified in trade solutions and in particular marketplaces. A field generating many packages, heart of the activity of the Dispeo site in Beauvais.
However, we do not yet know exactly how the site will integrate into its new group, if the court accepts the file. In her letter Caroline Cayeux says that the group could “Challenger the organization in place” And “Draw prospects for development with high potential for the future». And also that the group would like to do “of the Dispeo project a pilot site in terms of innovation, especially in the field of robotics». Contacted, Benjamin Chalande and the group on Monday morning indicate that they prefer to wait for the court’s decision to answer questions.
Most jobs preserved
Still in her letter, the president of Agglo indicates that “The group Monday morning undertakes to keep 179 employees out of the 210 positions listed today in warehouse. The group also undertakes to keep 50% of the activity of the headquarters».
The CFDT union delegate, Eddy Binet, has concordant information but prefers to wait for the court’s decision to rejoice. According to him, jobs that are not preserved “It concerns very few people in Beauvais, it is mainly at headquarters. But it’s normal.The unions announced from the start that it was the on -site jobs that concerned them most and not so much those of the headquarters.
“As long as the judgment has not passed, everything can happen”
Does the proposal formulated by this possible buyer suits him? “”Yes, we are not far from the accountreplies Eddy Binet. (…) Yes, that’s good news. There, what scares us is the site of Evreux.The Beauvais twin site, concerned by another buyer, is apparently less sure to keep his jobs.
While waiting to know if they will keep their posts, employees continue their work according to the union representative. “”Yes, today we are working normally. And even temporary workershe said. But the atmosphere is not great, everyone is afraid. As long as the judgment has not passed, everything can happenHe warns.
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