“What I like about dictation is not accumulating complicated words.” noted Roger Walletretired teacher.
A dictation voluntarily accessible to all, far from those of Bernard Pivotexcept for some tuning difficulties “like past participles or pronominal verbs and some foreign words like “Kabyle” or “tiramisu”” specifies the Beauvaisian author.
On the theme of the Olympics
If the theme of dictation is devoted to secularismthe term remains deliberately absent from the text. The authors have opted for the unifying and symbolic theme of this year 2024: the Olympic Gamess. “When I was commissioned to write this text on secularism, it was tempting to use the term secularism. But we are not here to spiel about secularism. We preferred to talk about a situation in which it applies. By choosing to talk about the Olympic Games, we are talking about secularism in the simple sense of openness to all, quite simply.”
The narrator, a little girl, recounts her memories of leaving the daycare centre. For the end of season party, the children have the idea of organizing Olympics. On the big day, Algeria, France, Portugal, Italy and Senegal are represented. Everyone wears the colors of their flag high, during the events, but also with their anthem, their culinary specialties…
The best copies divided by categories will be rewarded at a later ceremony. The corrections will be made by the town hall, with some clarifications of indulgence issued by the authors in particular following the spelling reform of 1990.
Former school teacher
Former affable schoolteacher and jack of all trades, Roger Wallet continues to share and transmit his passion for the French language.
“I had the chance to do 3600 different things. I was a schoolmaster, then educator at DASSin prison, I worked a lot in the theater, puppets. I finished my career as chief of staff of the academy inspector.“
L’Beauvaisian writer lists more than one fifty works on his counter. Mainly, parts of theater, short stories and novels. At the same time, the writer maintains a monthly which to date has 600 to 700 readers.
Fun workshops open to all
In addition to these writings, the retired teacher cannot help but continue to transmit his passion duringweekly writing workshops has Neighbor location which he initiated in the early 2000s until his departure from Beauvais in 2008 and resumed on his return to his native land in 2017.
A group which currently has around ten amateurs, joined this year by a group of 4 young women in their twenties. 1h30 workshops led in a fun way, around writing games. Roger Wallet encourages budding authors to publish their writings but his ambitions do not always resonate: “Laurence Sagotalso a teacher, wrote a novel which when published would be more than 200 pages. She refuses to publish it” he laughs.
Literary walks
Bubbling with imagination, Roger Wallet had the idea of promoting these writings in an original way through literary walks by introducing the idea that these stops and readings are linked to the story being told, whether it is inspired by reality, or not! The first ride took place in November in Voisinlieu. A recurrence will be held on January 24 “on the old trades of Voisinlieu.“
To close the year, a public reading will be held at the Desmarquet center (Voisinlieu pour tous) on Friday December 20. A text read and written by the author herself Catherine L., also an author in the writing workshop, on a factory in Voisinlieu.