
Younès Aouad’s lawyer sent us this letter stating the acquittal of his client’s case. Oise Hebdo attended the hearing at the Beauvais court, where he was convicted at first instance. The fact remains that he filed an appeal and obtained a definitive acquittal in this case.
Here is the letter sent by Younes Aouad’s lawyer:
Dear sir, I am following the advice of Mr Younes Aouad who would like to benefit from the insertion of a right of reply in your newspaper following the article published on March 25, 2022 entitled “Beauvais. to avoid the kidnapping of his towed vehicle, he gets in and then ends up in police custody” written by Ms. Alexandra GIRAUD.
This article recounted a hearing report and referred to my client’s setbacks with a Beauvais municipal police officer which had led to the referral of both parties to criminal proceedings for acts of violence contested by both sides.
Besides the fact that this article contains several inaccuracies and harms the honor of my client in that his name is given in full, my client especially wanted to assert the final outcome of the procedure since the first instance judgment was annulled for procedural defects and that my client, Younes Aouad was finally acquitted on appeal.
Mr AOUAD, defended by Maîtres Stéphane DIBOUNDJE and Flore DEVOS, wishes to inform you that the Amiens Court of Appeal by judgment dated December 9, 2024 acquitted him of the acts of rebellion for which he had been convicted at first instance. Furthermore, it should be noted that the Beauvais judgment was the subject of an annulment before the Amiens Court of Appeal since the reclassification of violence as rebellion carried out by the Beauvais court does not appear to have been included in the debates at first instance before the case was put under advisement, which according to the court of appeal “is not likely to have allowed the accused to present his defenses on the basis of this new qualification”.
The end result of this procedure was that Mr. Aouad was detained and criminally prosecuted which resulted in his acquittal which allowed him to clear his honor after 7 years of proceedings.
Mr AOUAD would like to point out that he reserves the right to bring a liability action against the French State before the Paris judicial court due to the unreasonable delay in the procedure.
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