
A new gathering was organized by employees of Gima has Beauvais this Thursday morning, November 28. This time, it was no longer in front of their company but in front of the Labor Inspectorate, avenue Mermoz. Indeed, the period of implementation of the economic social plan has come to an end and it is now the Departmental Directorate of Employment, Labor and Solidarity (DDETS) which must issue an opinion.
The FO and CGT unions gathered in front of the entrance gave their opinion. It is unfavorable. For them, the company must review its copy. They now hope that the DDETS, which depends on the prefecture, will hear their arguments and demand that the company change the conditions of the dismissals.
The fear of bad example
For the unions and left-wing elected officials present before the DDETS, the issue goes beyond the Gima framework. While another social plan is underway at AGCO and others are expected in the coming weeks in Oise. “This discounted plan will serve as an example for other plans in preparation», insists the communist municipal councilor Thierry Aury.
Because it is today the main demand of employees. Being able to leave with compensation commensurate with their commitment to the company. Some of them have thirty years of seniority in this weekend team responsible for ensuring the operation of the factory every weekend and all public holidays. “They sacrificed their family life», Estimates Thierry Aury. And the proposed compensation would be low on the dollar, “very close to the legal minimum“.
A healthy business
The dismissal of thirty employees coupled with this minimum compensation does not work while the company itself is not at stake for its survival. The group’s management has even confirmed several times its desire to develop its activities in low-cost countries such as India and Hungary. The dismissal of Beauvais workers probably did not occur to save the company but as part of a strategy to develop profits.
This strategy is described as offshoring by management. An Anglo-Saxon term which designates a relocation of part of the company’s activities. To the point that elected officials doubt the legality of such a social plan. The Beauvais opposition group at the heart has also launched an online petition to encourage the new prefect Jean-Marie Caillaud not to approve these dismissals.
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