
At war against the Gurdebeke burial center of Millanti-discharge activists want to put pressure on the community of communes of Two valleys (CC2V). The association Heritage and biodiversity meetings Accused the landfill of generating bad odors, especially in the municipalities of Tracy-le-Val, Tracy-le-Mont and Carlepont.
The association has just identified, all the good reasons for it, the CC2V to stop burying its waste in the center of Moulin-sous-Touvent, denouncing a community which is nevertheless intended to be “exemplary in terms of environment and heritage “, but which uses” high ecological and economic cost “methods.
Burial? “In contradiction with the environmental ambitions of the CC2V”
“As part of its project” two 2030 ′ valleys, the CC2V has adopted six ambitions, two of which are distinguished to preserve the environment and enhance the local heritage “, first recalls the association, thereby evoking the objective of “Reduction of greenhouse gas”, and “energy transition”. Incompatible with the burial of waste in Moulin-sous-Touve in the territory of the Lisières de l’Oise, that is to say “in the immediate vicinity of the CC2V”, they say. For anti-discharge activists, this choice poses “an ethical question”. “Is it morally acceptable to present yourself as an exemplary, simply burning your waste out of its territory?”
As already mentioned, during its first public meeting, the association advocates another method: “incineration” by using in particular at the center of “Villers-Saint-Paul, one of the most effective in France”. A way for heritage meetings “to produce energy (electricity and heat) while being more economical than burial”. Official figures in support, they claim a cost of 58 euros in the ton for the communities of the SMDO (Mixing union of the department of Oise) in Villers-Saint-Paul against 117 euros of the ton in Moulin-sous-Touvent *. Anti-discharge activists also evoke the increasingly punitive taxation for “burials”.
An increasingly isolated community of communes
To assert their point of view, activists then underline the atypical character of the CC2V today. This is “one of the last communities of communes in the Oise”, to practice burial, they explain, citing in comparison the “19 communities of communes of the SMDO which have already made the choice of incineration”.
Also carried on heritage issues, the association recalls an old quarrel of the territory: the “immediate” proximity of the landfill center with the Butte des Zouaves “a classified historic monument where soldiers who fell during the First World War” rest. A place of memory “today threatened by Gurdebeke SA’s ambitions which legally attempted to obtain its downgrading”, “most likely to allow the extension of the landfill”, they consider. “Can the CC2V, supposed to defend heritage, can collaborate with a landfill center whose actions threaten such an emblematic historic monument?”, They ask.
The ball in the camp of Patrice Carvalho
The association puts pressure directly on the president of the CC2V, Patrice Carvalho who signed in March 2020 with Gurdebeke a four -year market with the possibility of tacit renewal of twice a year. Either, if the market is not denounced, until 2026. The appropriate moment, according to meetings of heritage and biodiversity, for the president to end “outdated and costly politics”.
Note that the share of waste sent by the CC2V in the center of Moulin represents a minor part (4,000 tonnes per year) of the mass of buried waste each year: approximately 37,000 tonnes. “We do not know other customers, but our territory must show an example,” says Hervé Lefranc, president of the Assourz de Patrimoine association.
To lead his fight in heritage meetings has undertaken to join other associations, including Tracy Environnement, to build a collective. A new public meeting should be held in March.
*Data extracted from CC2V and SMDO documents
Since November “Gurdebeke has started work, but it’s insufficient”
In December was to be held a site monitoring commission (CSS) which had been postponed. She finally held on January 16, with in particular the prefectural authorities, representatives of Gurdebeke SA and members of the Assourzing Heritage and Biodiversity Association.
“It came out that Gordebeke admits to generating bad odors in the three villages,” explains Hervé Lefranc, president of the association. A new company has come to make measures all around the site “and revealed emanations of H2S, hydrogen sulfide”, responsible for the smell of cabbage or rotten egg felt by the inhabitants of the territory.
Since the first public meeting of the association The company GURDEBEKE has “made a lot of investment, which we estimate at around 90,000 euros”, details Hervé Lefranc, in particular by setting up processes to cover waste lockers. Casiers, which “today take more time to fill and therefore be sealed than before, due to the drop in the volume of waste to be burst”.
Investments still insufficient for the association which ensures “that many complaints with the DREAL (Regional Directorate of Environment, Planning and Housing) continue to be filed”. A sign that bad odors, and air pollution, continue to hover on neighboring villages.
To sign the petition set up by anti-tank activists: Mesopinions.com
Contact Heritage Meetings: Facebook association
Contact Tracy Environment: by email
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