
This is a great bar to play in December. At the bar-PMU-presse Le Corail, in Plessis-Brion, a winner won 600,000 euros in a scratch game on December 19 last year. And this Sunday, December 8, it was the Quinté that brought home the jackpot. A little over a million: 1,052,160 euros to be exact.
At Corail, Mother Christmas is Aurore Debonne, manager of the establishment located in this village between Compiègne and Noyon. She talks about this incredible new win, which won 1.6 million euros in two games and in the space of a year. “It’s not one winner, but four,” she reveals, “it’s a group of friends who play together all the time: everyone chooses a number, that’s how they make up their prediction.” On Sunday, “they played in the morning in my establishment and they saw the result later”.
They had forgotten the “piggy bank” of 500,000 euros
Monday morning, sure of having predicted the Quinté in order, “two of them arrive and tell me the news,” explains Aurore. “They told me they won 500,000 euros, I found it hard to believe them, I asked them if they were serious?” Finally a third arrives with the ticket, Aurore scans the ticket and: “And I see that it’s not 500,000 euros, but 1 million! They had forgotten that sometimes, on Sunday, there is a jackpot, the piggy bank, here of 500,000 euros, which is added to the winnings. It’s the winners’ turn to ask the manager if she is “serious”. “We all had a little hard time believing it,” she says, “I think it disturbed them a little and they haven’t quite realized it yet.”
With the tidy sum of 250,000 euros per head, the four friends will be able to treat themselves for the holidays. Even if they haven’t received the money yet. “It should be the case before Christmas, at least we hope so.” The four friends, whose manager wishes to remain anonymous, have not changed their habits. “They came back to the establishment, they acted as if nothing had happened, I did the same.” And for the moment, they have not yet said how they will use their “Christmas bonus”.
The lucky Christmas bar
“It makes me happy for them,” continues Aurore du Corail. They’re really four really funny “buddies”, united by a true friendship, that’s what’s beautiful actually. They always play together, they have their ritual, it’s great.” As for Aurore, she admits, she has nothing against the fact that people say that her establishment brings luck. “Especially in December, for Christmas,” she laughs. In any case, Mother Christmas from Plessis-Brion is “perfectly responsible for making people happy”.
Should we expect an influx of players between now and Christmas Eve at Corail?
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