
After being sentenced to eight years in prison for sexual assault on minors, including the own daughter of his partner at the time, Christophe Rerat, 54, was released in June 2024. Remissions of sentence deducted, he spent six years in prison. detention, at Liancourt prison. It was then that this weapons collector decided to sell pomegranates neutralized which date from the war of 1914, as well as others more recent but equally harmless, the possession of which is prohibited. He took the opportunity to put up for sale 9 mm caliber ammunition which escaped the seizure of the weapons found at his home inAndeville during the search of the previous case.
He places advertisements on a site specializing in the sale of products related to hunting, fishing, and shooting which, as the possession of grenades is prohibited, withdraws its advertisements. But the explosives and firearms investigation department of the national gendarmerie, during a watch, was able to become aware of it, which is how the gendarmes went to his house again and the weapons and ammunition were found. .
Investigators discover he is viewing child pornography images
By examining the defendant’s phone, the gendarmerie soldiers discovered that he assiduously consulted a public communication site pornographic images of minors.
He appears this Wednesday, January 15, in immediate appearance. His conviction on September 3, 2019, for an offense punishable by more than 10 years places him in a state of legal recidivism and makes him once again face 10 years in prison.
A psychiatric expertise being obligatory for cases of a sexual nature, the court decided to postpone its examination. The prosecutor notes “that barely released from prison he found himself in court for having consulted child pornography images. Detention did not help him!» She requests his placement in pre-trial detention.
Placed in detention until his trial
Defense lawyer Virginie Bellagamba observes that her client has been collecting weapons for a long time and that everything found in his home had not been active for a long time. “We are very far from terrorism! It’s true that with his past, viewing pornographic images of minors is of concern. Psychiatric and psychological monitoring in prison was insufficient, it only allowed its appeal to minors to be put on hold. He still needs follow-up which cannot be done in prison. He took responsibility for what he did without minimizing anything“.
Christophe Rerat will see a psychiatric expert before his judgment scheduled for March 19, 2025. Until this date, he remains in pre-trial detention in order to avoid the renewal of the offense and to guarantee his representation at the hearing.
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