
This Monday, December 9, a prize pool was put online for the family ofÉdouard Mendythis father killed this Saturday, December 7 on the road leading from Crépy-en-Valois has Gilocourt.
“Salam Aleicoum, hello, unfortunately we are all saddened by the death of Edouard Mendy following an accident that occurred on 7/12/2024, we can read on the cotizUp website. An online fundraiser is available to help the family of the deceased during this painful ordeal. May God reward you.” This is the text of this prize pool launched by Houssama.
More than 8,000 euros already collected
As we write these lines (Tuesday December 10, at 11 a.m.), the prize pool has already reached nearly 8,200 euros. It must be said that the man was well known in the city of archery, particularly in the world of football.
On social networks, tributes are multiplying. They all describe a kind man, a loving family man. Some comments, however, refer to another Edouard Mendy, hence some confusion.
It must be said that “the other” Edouard Mendy is an international-class goalkeeper, who today plays for the Al-Ahli club, in Saudi Arabia. After a stint in goal for Reims then Rennes, he joined the English club Chelsea in 2020, a year before the London club’s victory in the Champions League. He is still the goalkeeper of the Senegal team today.
A famous namesake on social media
But obviously, the victim from Crépy-en-Valois has nothing to do with the Al-Ahli footballer…
Another “confusion” is also emerging on social networks. Some say that this road was soiled this Saturday by dirt emanating from trucks. beets… But a priori, this is not the case. This roadway is regularly cleaned. And Saturday’s accident was due to a bad combination of circumstances. The vehicle in which Edouard Mendy was found broke down and the Crépynois was hit by a car when he got out of the broken down vehicle. In any case, it is on this hypothesis that the gendarmes in charge of the investigation…

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