“I have no intention of clashing with the government, it’s the government that wants to clash with me and I want to escape. There was unbearable customization. There are judges who try to do their job and there was a unanimous pronouncement from all the communities of jurists, from the Union of Criminal Chambers to the associations of law professors of the European Union: they all supported that on the supremacy of the European law, nothing can be done about it.” Comments clearly and keeping to the point, the president of Democratic Judiciary Silvia Albanojudge of the immigration section of the Court of Rome, on the sidelines of the conference on the 60 years of the progressive current within the ANM (National Association of Magistrates), in Rome.
And exactly Giuseppe Santaluciapresident of the National Association of Magistrates, comments: “I fear that a controversy could be reignited that is of no benefit to anyonebut there is no desire to trigger a partisan clash with political or politicization forces”. The president of the ANM responded on possible scenarios after tomorrow’s orders from the Court of Rome on the detention of new migrants in Albania.

The president of the ANM, Giuseppe Santalucia (ANSA/ALESSANDRO DI MEO)
Albano: “The Constitution and the law of the Union come before ordinary law”
Silvia Albano also specifies that “we suffered this campaign, which in fact resulted in intimidation”. The judge of the immigration section of the Court of Rome further adds: “The fact that those who try to apply the Constitution are called communist judge I am very concerned about the state of our democracy and its future. In your pocket we do not have Mao’s booklet or Marx’s Capital, but the Constitution”.
Albano: “Dialogue is very possible, parliamentary regulations require that judges be heard”
“Perhaps, if there was a dialogue with the government instead of confrontation, we could discuss and understand whether legislative proposals could be made instead: so perhaps these frictions with the Constitution compared to EU law would not exist. Dialogue is very possible because there are places where it is possible to do it. It is true that now the legislative production is much more decree-laws than in Parliament. But in Parliament it is required by parliamentary regulations that magistrates be heard” explains the president of Democratic Judiciary.
Nordio: “I hope the tone is lowered, the judges do not criticize the political merit of the laws”
The Minister of Justice appears to be of the same opinion, Carlo Nordiowho spoke by telephone at today’s conference in Rome. And he specified: “”We want dialogue with the judiciary precisely because we know that the judiciary is called upon to apply the laws. Another problem is the criticism of political merit And to the content of the laws once they have been approved e Mattarella was very clear about this. I hope that in future discussions there will be less and less criticism from the judiciary of the political merit of the laws in Parliament and a lowering of the tone on the part of politicians to criticize the sentences.”
The replies to the words of the magistrate of Salvini and Gasparri
“Those judges, fortunately few, who instead of applying the laws distort them and boycott them, should have the dignity to resign, to change jobs and to engage in politics with Rifondazione Comunista. They are a problem for Italy” he writes, meanwhile, on X the leader of the League Matteo Salvini posting a sentence and a photo of magistrate Silvia Albano. The vice prime minister is echoed by the president of the senators of Forza Italia, Maurizio Gasparri: “Magistrate Albano says she doesn’t have Mao Tse Tung’s booklet in her pocket, but the Constitution? I’m happy. I’ll give her some glasses so she can read it better before issuing some sentences which proved to be invasive of the powers of the government and Parliament. With the right glasses the texts can be read better”.
Schlein: “Solidarity with magistrates, unacceptable climate of institutional attack”
“I continue to give solidarity to those judges who are placed under guard as a result of threats that also depend on a unacceptable climate of institutional attack towards them” said the national secretariat of the Democratic Party, Elly Schleinresponding this morning in Gualdo Tadino (Perugia) to the journalists’ question whether there are communist judges in Italy, a topic touched upon by the president of Democratic Judiciary. “The institutional clash is not good for the country, especially compared to people who, as demonstrated in the case of Albania, are only applying the sentences of the European Court of Justice, therefore they are only doing their job” added Schlein.
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