
The second edition of the “Zéro Gaspi” challenge organized by the Country of Thiérache was a success. Objective : to raise awareness THE students to the right actions and changing practices by kitchen and around the plate.
In January 2024, the 1st “Zero Waste” challenge was organized by the Department in partnership with the Pays de Thiérache, as part of the Territorial Food Plan (PAT) and its Network to Avoid Food Waste (REGAL). The second challenge was held at the initiative of the Pays de Thiérache, with the support of the Department, from November 18 to 22 on the occasion of European waste reduction week. Small novelty: it was extended to other educational establishments such as high schools, professional and/or voluntary establishments. In total, eight establishments participated.
And the satisfaction is unanimous: “All the participants presented better results than the national average, that is to say less than 100 grams per guest per meal”, underlined Olivier Cambraye, the president of the Pays de Thiérache . Compared to the first edition, weighings were carried out over the entire week, taking into account leftover meals, bread, and unserved meals. “This should not be the effort of a single week, but of every day,” recalled Xavier Boulande, vice-president of the Community of Communes of Portes de la Thiérache.
Food waste: the Department’s action plan
Nicolas Fricoteaux, the president of the Departmental Council, underlined that “these actions are part of a global context of the fight against global warming, waste management and the fight against food waste. » Then he recalled the actions carried out within the Aisne colleges: “A Plan to combat food waste and manage green waste was voted in February 2019. Its main objectives are to carry out actions focused on food waste, the recovery of bio-waste, but also raising awareness among all individuals concerned by this theme. »
This plan is being deployed in the colleges of Aisne:
- 49 out of 49 colleges sort their food waste daily.
- 30 out of 49 colleges carry out food waste weighing.
- 41 out of 57 colleges have already called on the Department for student awareness workshops.
- 27 out of 57 colleges recycle all or part of their bio-waste via composting, 14 colleges are in the testing phase with a rotary composter.
15 colleges have a differentiated management plan for green spaces.
Challenge results
The awards ceremony was an opportunity to honor the teams who are doing their best in all colleges. It was the Rozoy-sur-Serre college which made the greatest effort, with just over 20 grams of waste per guest per meal. The principal, Mr. Levêque, explained the recipe for success of his establishment. “It’s teamwork, daily work, we weigh the waste every day to question ourselves. Our team listens to the students, we deliver the right quantity to them and nothing is obligatory and everything is homemade. »
The trophy was presented in the presence of the kitchen teams and staff of the establishment, the eco-delegates and their supervising teacher. The first 3 establishments will be able to participate in a “Vélo Smoothie” event to cycle and enjoy!
1st: Jules Ferry college in Rozoy-sur-Serre with 20.56 g/guest/meal
2nd: Condorcet college in Vervins with 55.41 g/guest/meal
3rd: Georges Cobast college in Hirson with 68.81 g/guest/meal
4th: Simone Veil college in Wassigny with 73.81 g/guest/meal
5th: MFR of La Capelle with 77.88 g/guest/meal
6th: Charles de Gaulle college in Montcornet with 89.25 g/guest/meal
7th: César Savart college in Saint-Michel with 93.18 g/guest/meal
8th: Quentin de la Tour college in Sains-Richaumont with 99.82 g/guest/meal
New challenge in January 2025
From January 27 to 31, a new “Zero Waste” Challenge is being set up on the territory of SIRTOM and the Pays de la Serre community of communes and will concern 9 colleges.
4 colleges are registered out of the 9 present in the territories: Alexandre Dumas college in Villeneuve-sur-Aisne, Froëhlicher college in Sissonne, Jacques Prévert college in Marle and Léopold Senghor college in Corbeny.
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