
The last session of the year 2024 of the departmental assembly was held on Monday, December 2 in order to formalize the implementation of the solidarity policies of the department of theAisne and attend the presentation of the activity report of the prefect of Aisne.
The last amending decision on the 2024 budget having been voted in October, this December departmental assembly aimed to record the presentation of the reports of certain departmental systems, but also to adopt the implementation of new support systems, particularly in the field of social action and territorial solidarity.
The assembly was able to take note of the report from the Hauts-de-France Regional Chamber of Accounts (CRC) on the management of the “Adult Youth Contracts” system since 2019 which makes it possible to extend aid to young people entrusted to Social Assistance to Childhood (ASE) after their majority. This report highlights the positive axes supported for a long time by the Department as well as its financial involvement in this ASE policy (€1.16 million in 2023) in order to best support, without “dry exit”, young people in their 18 years old.
In the field of social action, the 2023 assessment of the Housing Solidarity Fund (FSL) was also studied. In 2023, it will support more than 2,800 households for a total aid amount of €1,488,561. This aid is intended to help people access their first home, maintain their current home or pay their energy bills through loans or security deposits.
In recent years, the FSL of the Aisne department, in order to respond to the evolution of the difficulties of Axon households and the emergence of new problems, has evolved and broadened its scope of intervention while continuing to fulfill its missions. legal.
In terms of new system, the assembly approved the launch of Aisne Starter which aims to financially help RSA beneficiaries and young people from ASE when they return to a paid or unpaid activity (employment, workshop, integration project , training, volunteering, etc.). This system includes various individual aids to help cover mobility costs (car repair, financing of transport cards), childcare, purchases of professional equipment, etc., which are necessary during ‘a resumption of activity. The aid is paid using a prepaid card to be recharged in UTAS.
Finally, the implementation of support actions for communities were voted on, such as the 2025 programming of integration worksite workshops for total funding of €1,911,610 for 69 projects and a volume of 424 Full-Time Equivalents ( ETP) of RSA beneficiaries or the adjustment of the Aisne Partenariat Investissement (API) system by confirming their eligibility for the heritage listed in the additional inventory of monuments historical.
These new support measures and operational implementation of systems, particularly in terms of social support, support for housing and professional integration as well as towards the municipal bloc, demonstrate the desire of the Departmental Council to continue its policy of territorial support by adjusting it to its limited means.
Presentation of State action in 2023 by the Prefect of Aisne
This last session of the year 2024 made it possible to welcome Fanny Anor, the new prefect of Aisne, recently arrived in the territory, for the ritual exercise of presentation of the annual report on the action of state services in the department of Aisne. Thus, she presented in detail the 2023 actions in the areas of security and protection of populations, sustainable territorial planning, social cohesion, education and support for employment as well as the promotion of access to public services. She was accompanied for this imposed exercise by representatives of state services.
The new prefect thus complied with the exercise of questions/answers from the departmental elected officials who did not fail to welcome her to Aisne and to call for a continuity of coordinated action between the Council departmental and state services.
The opportunity for Nicolas Fricoteaux, the president of the Departmental Council, to emphasize that the department and the Prefecture carry out missions “on the same geographical perimeter, in complementarity, support and subsidiarity, and this, for the benefit of the general interest and that of the Axonaises and the Axonais. »
It is obvious that the Aisne Departmental Council and the Axon prefecture are working for the inhabitants of the territory by spending taxpayers’ money judiciously, even if we are still waiting for offensive actions from State services against the multiplication of small identity groups. , particularly in Laon, and a stone’s throw from the prefecture. It is to be hoped that this file, in the hands of Fanny Anor’s predecessor since August, has not been classified vertically… Because during this time, victims of their threats on social networks and their intimidation actions at the homes of some of their opponents forced them to change their homes in order to have peace.
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