
To start the year well, what better good healthy and lasting resolutions on his plate? This is the challenge proposed by the Beauvaisis agglomeration community (CAB) for “Change long -term eating habits, while enjoying doing so to preserve your health and environment“, Without engulfing his budget, introduced Véronique Vincenthead of health and handicap service, in which 40 households in Beauvaisis launched. For the launch of the operation Friday, January 24, the challengers were invited to Espace Galilée in Beauvais for an appetizer of the program which awaits them in the next 6 months.
Among the challengers, 64% are part of a town outside in Beauvais. This is the case with Wild family Esteves of Valdampierre : “We know there are farms Around us, but we rarely go. We also want to diversify our food, have new ideas, things that we would not have had the idea of cooking and trying to make our daughter discover other things because she eats the same thing all the time. Even if she often cooks with us, she does not yet necessarily have the desire to taste. ”
Anaïs Dejonghe and image M’hamditwo mothers of the Saint John Quarter has Beauvaisare among the 16% out of 36% of Beauvaisiens participating in the challenge. They responded favorably to the invitation of the Youth and associations house (Mja) To participate in this project because: “As a mom, have already been sensitive to what our children eat. We accepted to learn to eat healthier for us and our children, without it cost us.“” “

A whole fun, educational and collaborative program
Thanks to the involvement of 19 partners of the operation, including health professionals and specialists in sustainable development, the course Family Chains Challenge Includes around twenty workshops, challenges and challenges … à la carte, on average 3 workshops per month on free registration. What satisfy all tastes and desires with themed cooking workshops, gardening, composting … but also theoretical workshops of knowledge on nutrition, purchasing power, additives. Farm and tasting visits will also be offered.
To return this challenge Even more fun and collaborative, the program has been concocted to simmer “Cohesion and conviviality“, With times of exchanges, collective and friendly shares as shared meals, to maintain the appetite of the participants.
Distributed by teams according to the geographic area, the points won by each of the households (by filling out a questionnaire via the dedicated platform click at the end of each month) are shared with the team. Points collected by answering a questionnaire at the end of each month to allow progress to be measured. Participants are invited to connect to the Déclics platform By which they will be able to consult resources on food, read the news on the territory, register for workshops, challenge themselves on the challenges propose …
A policy in favor of health and nature
Throughout the route, participants will benefit from personalized follow -up and advice, adapted to the needs of each. For example, it will be Dietary consultations personalized from one of the three local dietitians involved in the operation. “” “Our goal is your well-being. The time of the diets is over. Our support consists in identifying your needs, adapting them … This also aims to prevent certain diseases.“Said the dietitian Halima Colletteafter welcoming this operation carried out with in particular Cancer perspectiverepresented by its founding president, Isabelle Soula4th assistant to the mayor of Beauvais in charge of solidarity, health and citizen relations.
The preliminary diagnostic study conducted on the territory by 4 students engineers in the 5th year of Health Prevention and Education at theUnilasalle Beauvais Institute served as the basis for the development of the program by targeting the local eating habits of consumers, their motivations and needs. The highest socio -professional categories (CSP) (CSP) are brought about, which adopt healthier and lasting eating practices such as the consumption of legumes recommended at least 2 times a week by the PNNS (National Nutrition Health Program) and the use of a compost, hence the interest of supporting the homes from lower CSP to reduce these disparities by specific actions that adapt to the knowledge and habits of each household.
The objective of the project which comes from a collective reflection with the 19 partners following the call for projects “only one health” launched in April 2024 by theArs, Draf and Ademeaims to increase the consumption of local, organic, and plant productsreduce the consumption of “surtransformed products“, To eat healthier, respecting thenutritional balance,, the environment And Animal well-being. The CAB is thus one of the 14 winning communities on a regional scale to have embarked on this “territory project”Which is part of the Beauvaisis food plan and her Local health contractand more generally of its policy in favor “of man, nature and rurality“. Funded up to 70% by ARS, and 30% by the CAB, it is completely free.
As a dessert, the champion teams having swallowed the most points will be rewarded during the last friendly closing meeting. The opportunity to take stock of the progress made before putting the cover to continue these good daily practices and to make the ambassadors of a healthy and sustainable food. For those to whom this card would tickle the taste buds, this first test served as a work on the territory set will be renewed next year.
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