
The 11th edition of Collectors Satisfied its founder Eric Ledoux, with almost a thousand visitors. Sunday, February 9, they were 76 exhibitors gathered the Marcel-Guérin room in Margny-lès-Compiègne.
Postcards, stamps post, keychain, old books and in the past were of course. But some exhibitors played the card of originality. Like representatives of the gas factory and its vintage objects: metal toys, car garage accessories, advertising statuettes, piece of a real aircraft propeller …
Fifi the firefighter

Not far away, a well -known character in Margny exhibited part of his collection. The deputy mayor Philippe Recton, whom everyone knows under the diminutive of Fifi, entered the firefighters at 16, profession he practiced for 49 years before retiring at 65 years with the rank of captain.
This vocation naturally led him to start a collection in 1974. He has raised objects with the firefighters. On its stand, it exhibited a reproduction of fire station on a scale of the 1/43rd wooden, made in its lost times. “It is a barracks of the 90s with the delivery of vehicles on the ground floor whose opening doors reveal period trucks,” explains Fifi. Above, they are the dormitories of the firefighters. “
New York firefighters outfit
The parts put on sale must allow the collector to make some room in his hangar. “I even have a real first intervention vehicle there which was at the service of the Municipality of Meux and a Lille road rescue vehicle.”
His centerpiece remains the official American firefighter outfit with a helmet bearing his name and number number, offered by his “colleagues” of the New York barracks 10. That located at the foot of the Word Trade Center, which was the first to intervene on September 11, 2001.
This tireless passion now limits his collection to the pieces evoking the firefighters in Paris and New York. This does not prevent him from mobilizing for the benefit of young people. In his capacity as elected representative of Margny-lès-Compiègne, he accompanies this week a group of 16-year-old footballers, from Hauts-de-France, to an international tournament in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. He will take the opportunity to visit the local barracks and bring back memories …
Dinky toys, Solido, Corgi…

Alain Grumelard is at the head of a collection of miniature cars at 1/43rd. “There are all the brands, old or recent,” he explains. And as I am alone and none of my nephews are interested in cars, I sell part of my collection, started sixty years ago. ”
The miniatures of Dinky Toys, Solido or Corgi brands, close with the most recent models from re -editions. We can thus admire the finesse of a Volvo having run the Kenya safari in 1965 or utilities like a Berliet truck, star of the film The salary of fear.

Daniel Delattre, collector of postcards since 1972, has published more than two hundred books on the subject. “I am one of the first to have launched myself in the collection of old cards,” he said. It was done after I discovered a card representing a Crèvecœur-le-Grand windmill where I was born. ”
He carried out research to write explanatory texts adding to the reproductions. “I started with books in the communes of the Oise, then of the Somme and the Aisne before leaving works throughout France,” says Daniel Delattre. Only eighty of these printed photographic compilations are still available to date.
At the time of retirement, Daniel is now attacking the canton of Grandvilliers which forms a book of 600 pages embellished with 6000 color photos. “I soon attack the city of Grandvilliers because that’s where I live,” says Daniel Delattre, who sold four hundred thousand pounds. He continues to sell it, “at the rate of about a thousand a year”.
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