
All means are good to meet love. For sports fans, more particularly running, The Royal Run of Chaumont-en-Vexin (Oise) will reserve this year again A race for singlesfond of meeting their soul mate. After all, if one or one of the participants manages to please you at the detour of a turn, sweating with sweat and not primaled at all, it is that it is surely the right or the right one !
For its sixth edition, the Royale Run will once again be held at the Château de Bertichères, Sunday, April 27. Several races will be on the program. The challenge of heroes, first, where the firefighters will face the gendarmes. An 8 km challenge will be reserved for businesses. A 10 km trail will travel around. Two obstacle courses will also be offered: the 2.5 km brigand race and the 8 km Templar race.
Five couples trained in 2024
And finally, Célib’runrace reserved for singles, 8 km. A “Love Drink” will be offered on arrival to participants, just to get to know each other. “”Five couples were formed in 2024specifies the organization which reiterates the experience after a first in 2024. And 100% of couples tried their luck!»»
Opinion to amateurs who no longer want to pass their solo Valentine’s Day. Registrations are open-and-early on helloasso.com. Count 30 € to participate in Célib’Run.
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