
Hoped for by some electedvilified by others and by many residents grouped into associations or citizen collectivesTHE project construction of a rock wool factory by Rockwoolthe Danish insulation giant, is exacerbating passions. A first building permit was canceled. THE project is back on track with a new building permit filed by the company a few days ago.
Thus, in its press release of November 26, Rockwool “reaffirms its commitment by filing a new building permit for its factory project in Soissons. This project will be the industrialist’s second site in France, after its factory in Puy-de-Dôme. “A strong symbol for French industry and the ecological transition,” says the company. which presents this new project “in a difficult industrial context, marked by factory closures and job losses” and this project is of particular importance, because “the future rock wool insulation factory will contribute to reindustrialization French by creating 130 direct jobs and more than 400 indirect jobs, a valuable contribution to boosting the local economy and strengthening the industrial fabric of the region. »
In the words of the industrialist himself, “even as France must accelerate the energy renovation of its real estate stock and promote circularity in buildings, this new manufacturing unit will produce more than 100,000 tons of rock wool, a thermal insulation -fire-resistant and recyclable acoustics, highly demanded in France. »
Greener than green
Rockwool assures that it is now in line with “the latest regulatory developments and clarifies compatibility with the Local Urban Planning Plan (PLU)”, moreover “it also includes a new green roof improving its integration into the environment. » In short, here is an industrialist who, with this project, is on the verge of explaining that he is greener than the sector’s ecologists, his main detractors.
We had already seen an oil company explain that its horizontal hydraulic fracturing, practiced twice in the years 2010-2014 in Seine-et-Marne, could be eco-friendly, to the point that senators and deputies present during this assertion had almost choke, perhaps from laughter. Here are green roofs which are supposed to make people forget the warnings of doctors in the sector against the harmful particles which risk invading Soissons, and perhaps even as far as the office of its mayor, Alain Crémont, also president of GrandSoissons Agglomération. But hey.
Health story job
Rockwool therefore remains determined to move forward quickly on this essential project to meet the growing needs for insulation, a pillar of the national energy transition. This new step completes the previous steps: “The legal appeals initiated on the first building permit filed remain in progress. We hope that this new instruction will be an opportunity for peaceful and constructive dialogue. We are actively continuing our efforts to guarantee the success of this project,” explains Rafael Rodriguez, president of Rockwool France SAS.
Yes but, because there is a but, the opponents of this project do not intend to let go of what looks like a political opposition between jobs and ecology. A case to be followed closely.
Until then, stay connected to Oise Hebdo and its axon information!
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