
L’former deputy Jacques Krabalformer mayor of Brasles and former mayor of Château-Thierry Organize a public meeting this Thursday, February 13, in Étampes-sur-Marne to “coordinate our actions to come” against Sébastien Eugènethe current strong man in the south of Aisne.
Jacques Krabal still does not digest to have been gradually excluded from the town hall of Château-Thierry, the supervisory board of the Castel hospital and his friends brought to the door of the Agglo. The disappointment even managed not to be elected the president of Renaissance Aisne, when he had so conscientiously courted to Emmanuel Macron. With the hospital of Château-Thierry, supposedly dismantled, while major work has just been launched to finally build a parking lot worthy of the name, he found an angle of attack against the current mayor of Château-Thierry, chairman of the supervisory board of the same hospital and who managed to make the former president of the Agglo release, brought to arm by Krabal, to finally take his place. Jacques Krabal therefore tries an offensive with an objective, the next municipal elections. And the decision of the current management of the hospital to very significantly increase the nights at the retirement home depending on the hospital center, gives it the opportunity to go up to the front.
Meeting this fellow Thursday
This is how Jacques Krabal is organizing this Thursday, February 13 at 6.30 p.m. a meeting in the village hall of Étampes-sur-Marne a public meeting whose title can only make the young mayor Castel tremble: “Too much, that is too much ! No to the tax blossoming of Château-Thierry and southern Aisne, with the subtitle “After the dismantling of the hospital with the announced closure of the intensive cardiology care unit, today, it’s The increase in Agglo taxes. “
To justify this meeting of the Revolution, the Dépite Jacques Krabal lists the supposed misdeeds of the policy of Sébastien Eugène: “It is 1.3 million euros (sic) which will be punctuated in the pockets of individuals, businesses, craftsmen and Traders: an increase of 75% in the price of meals, and home services for the elderly are not to be outdone; Increase in my tax on sanitation on drinking water with more than € 122 for 120m³, the 36% increase in urban transport, the increase in entrances to the swimming pool as well as registrations for the music conservatory. ”
Fill holes dug by his friend, former president of the agglo
All these increases are real, but Jacques Krabal omits to explain that they are the consequence of the hazardous management of the former president of the Agglo that the former deputy, then mayor of Château-Thierry, had done everything for the Make the presidency of the Agglo, and that faced with a planned deficit of 2,000,000 euros from the Agglo, it was necessary to take financial measures, as unfortunate were they.
Passed master in these meetings where he presents himself as the expiatory victim of his enemies, Jacques Krabal hopes to recover from his truth meeting when a letter from a crow had accused him of all the financial and influential traffic, Which had finally earned him to be indicted (being indicted in no way prejudice to be guilty, editor’s note).
A citizen collective against Krabal’s squab
Faced with the great repeated unpacking of the one who was the strong man in the south of the Aisne in the past, a citizen collective, named “Together, let’s build a peaceful future for Château-Thierry, confidence and respect” also currently broadcasts a Brulot against Jacque Krabal: “Too much is too much! No to the taking in political hostage of Château-Thierry and southern Aisne: after the cabale on the hospital while the expansion work has already started, after the revelations of two million hidden deficit of the Agglo , today, tired exasperated, we say no to smoke screens to mask incompetence, yes to transparency and the sense of responsibility, no to attempts at easy responses that weigh the future yes to the shared effort and the maintenance of investments for our future. “The collective says not also” to political meetings of disinformation and not to chaos engineers “, by targeting Jacques Krabal directly.
Jacques Krabal achieved a master stroke. That of passing a dynamic and carrier territory, a branch from a department store “where something is happening”.
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