
This Thursday evening, February 6, it was Municipal Council in Beauvais. On the menu, several motions and the vote of budget animated the debates. It was also the comeback of the covered hall to the market square. A subject that returns to each electoral campaign since 2005 but that has not yet been materialized.
Following the advice of the first assistant Lionel Chiss, the leftist group of Roxane Lundy had this time transmitted proposals in addition to his criticisms on the budget. Proposals submitted to the Council in the form of amendments to the budget. Which were not accepted by the majority. “”I ask you to reject the amendments because in the budget there are already the means to do as much even better“Justified Lionel Chiss during his presentation.
10 million euros for roads
In these eight amendments, the left opposition proposed significant increases in means committed for the participatory budget, the energy renovation of the municipal buildings, the renovation of the Briard gymnasium, the financing of the restoration of the facade of the church of Marissel, The famous semi-covered hall or the roads … a large part of these proposals drew their funding from the AGCO company, to whom the group wants to reimburse the requalification of the Corot-Kennedy axis following the job cuts. Funding deemed “unrealisticBy the majority and the finance assistant.
For the roads, the mayor Franck Pia argues that there are already 10 million euros planned for his repair and that the amendment of the left would allow nothing more. “”I agree with you, there is a lot to do on the VoiriE, said the mayor. It has deteriorated even more in recent years due to bad weather. We can no longer be satisfied today to redo the carpets. Our city is aging and everything that is underground must be redone. And it plays on the billExplains the councilor. “”We have a budget that responds to this ambitionHe believes.
The revenge of the return of the covered hall
Then it was Charles Locquet, assistant in charge of the heart of the city, who defended the Halle Covered Halle project on Place des Halles, where the city center is held. He assured that it is not abandoned but “hardly».
It is a study project that made Grégory Narzis jump, on this subject. He redid all the history of this hall. “”In 2005 there was a first, abandoned project. In 2008, a second project. In 2014… Each time there is a study and public money of engaged. You are re -elected and the covered hall goes to the hatchtackle the elected prg. Today, you repropos a study at € 50,000. Isn’t that going to be an n-th study? You come out again, as with each electoral period, the Halle project.»»
A covered passage rather than a hall
“”We have two meetings scheduled for March and April», Tempers Charles Locquet. He explains that studies have shown that the initial project was not suitable for the city. With the food shops that have since opened in the rue Louvet, which makes the junction between Place Jeanne-Hachette and Place des Halles, the majority saw its copy. “”Why not make a covered passage?», Offers the assistant. According to him, there are today “Three specific projects for this food passage».
It remains to be seen now whether this covered passage project will see the light of day or not. The Council voted against the amendments to the budget with the votes of the majority and the national rally.
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