By Fabrice Alves-Teixeira

Mortal Saturday on the roads of the northeast of the department. Two vehicles collided at 11:20 am this Saturday, February 8, between Cuvilly and Rollot between Oise and Somme. L’accident occurred more precisely up to the town of Dead On the departmental road 935. At least one of the vehicles ended its race in a field.
“One of the vehicles struck the other full of front on the same path,” reports the gendarmerie which announces “the death of a person”. He is a 67 -year -old motorist, passenger of one of the vehicles in question. Several other people were injured. The final assessment of this terrible accident has not yet been communicated by the authorities.
Circumstances still to be established
The conditions of the accident are not yet officially established. But according to our information, it could be the consequences of an attempt to exceeding causing a high -speed shock.
The emergency services were still on site at 2:30 p.m. firefighters intervened for four SAMU teams. Two helicopter were also dispatched on the spot. THE gendarmes of the brigade of Surons-sur-Matz were responsible for regulating traffic and the first observations which are still in progress.
Friday morning, a little further east, a pedestrian had already died in the northeast of the department, in Crisolles, between Noyon and Guiscard.
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