
The year 2025 promises to be ambitious for the Nord department, with many major projects intended to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants and energize the local economy. Among the initiatives he invites to follow closely, several concern health, education, infrastructure and culture.
• Launch of Nord Santé houses: Faced with the challenges of medical deserts, the department continues to deploy Nord Santé houses. After the opening of two first centers in Douaisis and Avesnois in 2024, three new houses will be created in 2025: in Feignies, Cappelle-la-Grande and Quiévy. These centers, with the innovative model combining medical assistants, nurses in advanced practice (IPA) and doctors, make it possible to fight against the shortages of doctors and to offer better access to care. In Douaisis, the extension of the health center will include mental health consultations and dental care.
• Modernization of colleges: more modern infrastructure for our students: several Northern colleges will benefit from significant renovations in 2025. In Mouvaux, Van der Meersch college will receive a new school restaurant, with work completed in May. Roubaix will see the construction of a new half board for the start of the school year in September. In Hazebrouck, the reconstruction of the Fernande-Benoist college will start in June, with an investment of 26 million euros. Finally, the renovation of the Etienne-Dolet college in Provision will start this year.
• Seine-Nord Europe canal: This project of the Seine-Nord Europe canal continues to move forward. In 2025, the first works will start in Aubencheul-au-Bac, between Cambrai and Douai, for the construction of a provisional work quay. This project, in the amount of 217 million euros funded by the Department, promises to generate thousands of jobs and stimulate the local economy.
• Roads and infrastructure: Road development projects are increasing in the North. In Lambres-lez-Douai, the DR 621 and 650 interchange will be refurbished for an amount of 9.5 million euros, while the renovation work of the DR 73 between Marly and the Fabien-Thiémé roundabout should be completed in the spring. Other sites include the development of the RD 953 between Beuvry-la-Forêt and Orchies, and the doubling of the RD70 in Petite-Forêt. The cycle paths, too, develop, with new developments provided on several roads in the department, to encourage more sustainable mobility.
• Support for municipalities: in 2025, the Department will invest 67 million euros to finance development projects and modernization of municipal infrastructure. This includes various projects such as the construction of City-Stades, the renovation of schools, and the expansion of media libraries. The Department also sets up a “sustainable North” bonus to encourage environmentally friendly initiatives.
• Exhibitions not to be missed: the North welcomes major cultural events in 2025. Among the highlights, the Brueghel & Van Balen exhibition at the Musée de Flandre in Cassel, which pays homage to Jan Brueghel the Ancien. The Henri Matisse museum at the Cateau-Cambrésis will present in the spring an exhibition dedicated to the workshop of Eric Seydoux, while the Musverre in Sars-Poteries will highlight, an exhibition on the theme of glass and the human body. And to finish the year, the Science Forum in Villeneuve-d’Ascq will unveil Vaisseau Terre, an interactive exhibition for young and old.
• The Tour de France 2025: One of the highlights of 2025 in the North will undoubtedly be the big departure of the Tour de France, scheduled for July 5 in Lille. The runners will travel the roads of the region for three days, with stages that will take them from Lille to Dunkirk, via Lens and Cassel. This major sporting event promises to attract thousands of spectators and highlight the exceptional landscapes of the department.
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