
But who still wants Chanez Herbanne? The regional councilor is no longer director of financial affairs of the Beauvaisis mobility center. A resignation at the end of December, discreet, which questioned because so far everything seemed to go for the best. In Beauvais’ political sphere, she even worries. Leading to a question of Grégory Narzis on the health of the association during the municipal council. Crossed during wishes in January, Chanez Herbanne confirmed that he was no longer at the Beauvaisis mobility pole, nor parliamentary assistant from Senator Edouard Courtial. Although his LinkedIn profile is not up to date.
By phone this Thursday, she claims to have resigned from the association for two reasons: “The first is that I was in disagreement with the operating mode. And the second is that I was assigned a change of schedule. So I resigned in a legal framework.“Since then, she has worked”in the private». But refuses to say for which company. So why a rumor concerning her persists behind the scenes of Beauvais political life?
Several questions that open up a new case
The first reason is that people want to know everything about their elected officials, and that they are easily worried when you hide something from them. Why then so much modesty on her professional life when she is a regional councilor? And that regional advisers are generally delighted to be able to show that they work and do not only live in their elected officials…
The second, and the heart of this rumor, is that several people argue that the separation between the former director of financial affairs and the association did not go well. Some evoke that the association would today be prey to financial difficulties. To the point of impacting current employees. And that that’s why Channez Herbanne is targeted, by his old post. So-called that the cloth burns between her and her former employer. But the reproaches formulated are vague. While it would be welcome to die the abscess and wash any suspicion that would weigh on the regional councilor. Nobody risks there. As a result, rumor swells and becomes a matter.
Contacted, the president of the Beauvais mobility pole, Sami Leleu, can not reveal anything, for the moment, on the subject Chanez Herbanne. A subject described by others like “complicatedTo say thorny, but a subject Chanez Herbanne.
The case made public to the municipal council
This Thursday evening, February 6, it was municipal council in Beauvais. A practical meeting because it allows you to vote a budget qualified as “ambitious” by the mayor. And especially because it is public. This makes it possible to bring the inhabitants a certain number of information. This is therefore the moment that Grégory Narzis (PRG) chose to challenge the mayor Franck Pia on the subject, without ever appointing Chanez Herbanne. He had already asked the mayor in December to send the list of public aid granted to the association. Just before the director of financial affairs resigned …
“”It is not the city that finances the association but the agglomeration due to its mobility competence“, For his part, Franck Pia. He says that the subsidy of € 18,000 paid by the City actually corresponds to the reimbursement of rents. Before, the city made premises available to the Beauvaisis mobility pole. But this aid could not be quantified. SO “in a concern for transparencyThe city now makes the association pay for its rents and reimburses it in the form of subsidies.
As for the Chanez Herbanne affair, the mayor just before his advice assured that nothing knows about it. However, he also heard “a rumorWho talks about a financial problem between the regional councilor and the association. “”But I don’t know what it is based on. I don’t know why he instills it“, He says speaking about Grégory Narzis. For the mayor, “If embezzlement or other problem there is», It is up to the president of the mobility pole to act legally. That’s good, a meeting between the councilor and the association president is scheduled very soon.
A request for a financial audit
During the council, Gregory Narzis asked the mayor if a financial audit was produced on the association. To which Franck Pia replied that no. “”To launch an audit, we would already have to know if there is a vocation to launch an audit. I had no information if there is a financial problemanswers Franck Pia. (…) And if there is difficulty, diversion, etc. We will seize the public prosecutor. If you know more, you have to go further in your questioning“, He encourages his opposition advisor.
“”You hear noisein turn notes Gregory Narzis. I do not assert things that are not proven. That’s why I ask for an audit.»»
For his part, Chanez Herbanne denies any reprehensible breach against him. “”Rumors, it must be foundedshe said. Any unfounded accusation will result in a complaint from me.»»
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