
She really touched the greatest number. It’s been a month since thea Community of communes of the Picard Plateau has set up news household waste collection rules and sorting. A new organization which can lead, in the event of a breach, to A collection refusal.
The subject is debated on the territory. In any case, he aroused the interest of the France 2 television news. The program of February 5 devoted a report on the issue. The idea: to show the putting into practice.
5,000 tonnes of household waste per year
Journalists therefore filmed two sorting ambassadors, in action in the commune of Wacquemoulin. A municipality located between Saint-Just-en-Chaussée and Compiègne. The two agents of the community of communes inspect the bags. If necessary, they take photos. And if the bag contains mixed waste, they put a red sticker. During the passage of the bucket, the ripper ignores the trash.
The Picard plateau manages 5,000 tonnes of household waste each year. 17% of the garbage cans would not be sorted. For the moment, the trie ambassadors are limited to making reminders with recalcitrant users. There is no question of verbalizing … for now.
The report is available in replay On Francetvinfosas well as on the website of the community of communes of the Picard Plateau.
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