
Thursday, January 25, took place in the freshly renovated room of the Beaumarais space in Glaignes The vows of the community of commune in the Pays du Valois. Pronounced by President Didier Doucet, at the head of the CCPV since 2020, these wishes were under the sign of optimism. While being aware that with the current situation, it was difficult to clearly aim ‘year to come.
Didier Doucet salutes the deputy RN Frédéric-Pierre Vos, the vice-president of the Manoëlle Martins region, or the vice-president of the Nicolle Colin department.
The president takes stock of the past year. It evokes the launch of the digital van, the reorganization of the communication service, the resumption of the tourist office, the merger of music schools, the restoration of streets and rivers, as in Mareuil-sur-Oourcq.
A review rich in achievements
President Doucet wants to meet daily needs before undertaking new projects. Its digital van, designed to reduce the digital fracture by directly meeting the inhabitants, arouses special attention. “Being as close as possible to needs is the guideline of our actions,” said the president, insisting on the importance of a public service accessible to all.
Since the start of his mandate, he said he was attentive to the environment. Waste management by Daniel Cage, vice-president of waste collection and recovery, is the perfect example. This composting operation made it possible to distribute 2,000 composters, equipping 11 % of the households in the community of communes and contributing to reducing bio -waste and the impact of the TGAP (general tax on polluting activities) on invoices.
Innovative projects for 2025
The always dynamic and optimistic president seeks to establish a close link with the inhabitants or visitors to the Valois. This is evidenced by the tourist van, which will be deployed by the tourist office. He will travel the territory in order to promote sites, such as the Sand Sea or the Abbey of Chaalis.
The van “Health” will also emerge, to bring healthcare professionals closer to the most precarious inhabitants. “The objective is to bring the essential services directly to the heart of the territories,” explains the president. He adds that this project fits into the local health contract expected at the end of the year.
These two vans, in addition to the digital van, come from a new mobility within the community of communes. The clearest turn is that of having renamed and modernized all of its transport network under the name of “Mobi”. For example, the old Cypress buses of Crépy-en-Valois proudly wear the “Mobi” logo, a symbol of unified and accessible mobility throughout the territory.
The ambition is to serve more “intelligent” the activity zones and neighboring municipalities. The launch of the work of the multimodal exchange center (PEM) this summer in Crépy-en-Valois is going in this direction.
Economic and cultural development
Didier Doucet evokes the arrival of the ZAC of the Plateau de Lévignen, dedicated to industrial companies. It will meet the growing needs of local economic players. “It is not only a question of attracting new businesses, but allowing industries to develop without leaving our territory,” insists the president.
Another major project: the creation of the ecopole in Crépy-en-Valois. This infrastructure will include a recyclerie-resourcemaker, where objects will find a second life. “This project combines circular economy and solidarity, offering everyone access to quality goods at affordable prices.”
Culture has occupied a central place in the Valois, for two years. The traveling festival Les Ephemers, succeeds a summer in the Valois. “We transform places into performance halls which have nothing to envy to the Parisian rooms”, ignites the mayor of Lagny-le-Sec
To this can be added the park and career of monumental sculptures. A new work will be unveiled this year, strengthening the artistic influence of the Pays de Valois.
While many communities face budgetary tensions, the Pays de Valois displays “enviable” financial health. With a cumulative surplus of 8 million euros (M €) and a self -financing capacity of € 3M, the community of municipalities has the means necessary to continue its ambitions. “We must remain vigilant in the face of the uncertainty of state aid, but our situation allows us to anticipate serenely,” said the president.
“So dance in the rain”
Referring to General de Gaulle, President Doucet recalls how, in his eyes, France doubts his abilities. “The risk is that France has at its head skillful and intelligent men, but who do not believe enough in it.”
The conclusion of wishes takes a more positive tone with this quote from Sedeck. “Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, it is learning to dance in the rain.”
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