
Emotional moment at the town hallOrry-la-Ville this Saturday, January 11, during an operation intended to honor the organ donors and their loved ones. Nelly Tièze, president of the departmental association for the donation of human organs and tissues (ADOT) of Oise, wanted to show her deep gratitude on the occasion of the planting of two apple trees in the town hall garden .
It was under the aegis of Nathanaël Rosenfeld, mayor of the town, that this event took place. The councilor did not hesitate to dig a few shovels into the frozen ground to plant the two trees. One of the two is dedicated toADOT and the other at Gouvieux Lions Club who finances the operation. “The tree of life”, dedicated to donors and their loved ones, reminds everyone of the importance of a gesture synonymous with rebirth.
15 people are transplanted every day in France
“Donors are life-transmitters,” comments Nelly Tièze nicely. “In 2023, 1,512 people were transplanted on the national territory and, thanks to them, 5,634 transplants made it possible to give hope to patients for whom it was the last chance to survive,” she specifies. However, if 15 people are transplanted every day in France, two lose their lives because they did not have this chance.
However, the law specifies that an individual is a donor by default, unless he has expressed his opposition during his lifetime. But loved ones are often helpless in this moment of astonishment. “You have to talk about it naturally, when everything is going well, in order to express your wishes,” advises Nelly Tièze.
The president of Adot then read a poem by Aurélie, one of the volunteers of theassociationa liver transplant recipient since 2014. “To give is to repair the living,” she says in a text full of sensitivity which concludes with a moving declaration addressed to her donor: “The two of us are for the life.”
“He was going to die”
A mother present at the ceremony cited the case of her son. “He was going to die,” she says, moved. She explains that he was able to benefit from a transplant 17 years ago. “He’s going to be a dad soon,” she smiles. Another testimony, that of Virginie, mother of Margot, heart transplant recipient at three years old: “She is now 8 years old and is doing very well.”
“The association operates with less than ten volunteersfor the whole of Oise,” laments its president who will welcome all volunteers with open arms.
By quoting the Lebanese philosopher Khalil Jebran, Nelly Tièze highlighted the very nature of a generous and selfless gesture, recalling that “fruit trees never choose to whom they will give their fruit.” By picking in a few years the apples from the tree of life planted sheltered from the wind behind the town hall, everyone will be able to measure the importance of a gift, which is nothing other than the gift of a life.
Adot Oise
5 rue Racine
60560 Orry-la-Ville
03 44 58 88 52

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