During the Neuilly-en-Thelle municipal council On December 9, opposition councilor Denis Jacob and mayor Bernard Onclercq had disagreements over several technical points. Firstly, regarding the recruitment of a planning agent. The opposition elected official noted that the job offer had been published before the municipal council’s deliberation allowing the position to be created. “I found a case law from the Nantes court, it is prohibited“, says Denis Jacob. The vote having now passed, it is budget which makes the advisor wince.
New rules to respect
Indeed, the population of Neuilly-en-Thelle has increased significantly in recent years. Until exceeding the bar of 3,500 inhabitants since 2020. Which leads to new requirements for accounts of the municipality. The budget vote must be carried out according to a very precise procedure and residents must be kept informed in advance of the budgetary orientations. Annexes must also appear in the initial budget.
One last condition that Denis Jacob considers not to be met. According to him, the municipality’s accounts, since 2020, do not have published annexes with, for example, the staffing table and the staff status; the table summarizing the training of elected officials and other details on debt and accounts. And a summary note for residents is also missing.
Procedural points which have already been debated between the opposition and the majority of the town’s municipal council. But this time Denis Jacob decided to go further. In a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt sent this Tuesday, December 17, the elected official reports to the new prefect Jean-Marie Caillaud everything which, according to him, does not comply with the law. He asks the state representative in Oise to remind the mayor of these legal provisions. For Denis Jacob, the challenge is to remove the opacity of the municipality’s budget for residents.
Municipal elections in sight
This procedure initiated by Denis Jacob comes less than two years before the municipal elections. And he doesn’t hide it: “I am officially a candidate“, he declares. His plan is to start with two audits. One on finances, the other on the state of municipal staff. “Because 48 people and two different companies to maintain the green spaces while the technical services have all the equipment, this is not normal.he judges. I’m not saying they can do it all but some.»
Note that opposite him, Mayor Bernard Onclercq also confirmed that he would be a candidate for his succession. The electoral campaign promises to be lively in Neuilly-en-Thelle.