
A little before the vote of censure in the National Assembly, Sawsen Clément-Jebbarithe president of Renaissance in theAisne had strongly criticized the position of the four deputies axon of RN : “In total, more than a million low-income households will now pay taxes and 8 million households will see their income taxes increase. Messrs. Beaurain, Casterman, Dessigny and Dragon, if you censure the government, you will have to be accountable to our farmers in Aisne who will not see the calculation of their retirement changed, nor their exemptions from charges be made permanent and will see at least contrary to their abandoned aid. »
Blind, but not deaf, José Beaurain responds
José Beaurain is a blind MP. But he is not deaf to the arguments put forward by the president of Renaissance in the Aisne department and he has just responded to her in an open letter, which Oise Hebdo was able to read: “First of all, know that our decision to filing and voting a motion of censure is part of a process of responsibility in the face of the current situation in our country”, writes the elected representative of the National Rally, before arguing: “We, deputies of the National Rally, have always acted in the sole interest of French people, our voters and the inhabitants of Aisne. The vote on this motion of censure is a continuation of this line of conduct. » A little further on, José Beaurain tackles the head of the President’s party in Aisne: “You mention the consequences of this censorship in terms of budgets and social reforms. I must therefore remind you that it is precisely because of the policy pursued by the various Macronist governments, following which the Barnier government has placed itself, that the situation of French public finances has deteriorated significantly. The Social Security financing bill, the orientations of which you defend, was not intended to protect the purchasing power of the French, but rather to aggravate an ineffective policy which penalizes the middle and working classes, in particular those we represent in our department. »
Then, in the specific case of farmers, the deputy wants to be incisive: “You mention the farmers of our department. Please know, Madam, that we have been at their side for years and that we are aware of the difficulties they encounter on a daily basis. Thus, today they are victims of the free trade policy of the European Commission of Mrs. Von der Leyen, whom your party supports and got re-elected. Indeed, it should be remembered that the Renaissance MEPs unanimously voted for his reappointment as head of the Commission on July 18, even though his desire to conclude a free trade agreement with South American Mercosur was public knowledge for years. Furthermore, in the absence of a budget for 2025, that of 2024 continues to apply in full. This means that credits dedicated to agriculture will remain unchanged and will not suffer the drastic cut of 13.5% initially planned by the project defended by the Barnier government. »
The MP can thus avoid moving forward on the improvements planned in this censored budget: Farmers currently continue to vilify those in power for the delay, once again, after this vote in implementing the promises that Gabriel Attal , then Prime Minister, had made to the profession and which have not all yet been implemented and which will have to wait before being implemented.
Sawsen Clément-Jebbari’s reply
Far from being destabilized by this open letter, Sawsen Clément-Jebbari returns the compliment to MP José Beaurain: “Things are very simple, Mr. MP, because the facts are stubborn: The farmers are not asking you to be with them on roundabouts. They don’t ask you to be with them through heated or tearful speeches on TV. They ask you to act. The only action you have taken, with your thumb facing down, is the censorship of the government and with it the freezing of 400 billion emergency euros, an emergency for our farmers. Your party has been in the European Parliament for more than six months. What are your concrete actions to advance the Mercosur file? What coalition were you able to build for a blocking minority? Nothing at all, Mr. Deputy. Words, always words. Facts, please, facts, more than your incantations. »
In the midst of these terse exchanges, the convicts in our countryside would still like their living conditions to improve.
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