
They cleared the road first thing. Breuil-le-Vert technical serviceshelped by their colleagues from Neuilly-sous-Clermont, freed the road between the two communes of Clermontois this Monday, December 9. The day before, Sunday 8, a tree had fallen on the small artery between the hamlets of Lierval and Canettecourt.
“It’s a big charm,” explains Jean-Philippe Vichard, mayor of Breuil-le-Vert. The elected official attended the clearance operations. This, after having noted with the municipal agents the situation during the night.. “They started around 6:45 a.m. They cut down the tree and the road was cleared a few hours later.”
A “healthy” tree
Note that a second tree has also fallen. But on a dirt road. The reason for these two falls remains to be determined. A priori, they would not be linked to the yellow vigilance alert for violent winds, triggered this weekend. This is due to the passage of the Darragh depression over the North of France.
“At first glance, the tree that fell on the road seemed in good health,” adds Jean-Philippe Vichard. We also have trees that are in poor condition, but sometimes trees fall for no reason.” For the chief magistrate, this fall could be explained by the rains and waterlogged soils.
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