“It was not possible to take a step forward at the meeting with the government” reported the general secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landiniat the end of the unions’ meeting with the government on the budget law at Palazzo Chigi, confirming the general strike on 29 November proclaimed with Uil. “The government reconfirmed that what it presented to Parliament is the maneuverthat the margins are those, that the possible spaces for modification are limited” and “we we confirm our opinion of a terrible budget law and which does not address and does not give a future to our country” added Landini, explaining that the wage increase for the public sector “cannot be the 6% proposed in the separate agreement, when inflation is 17%”.
“The only revenues that are confirmed – continued Landini -, the only expenditure that is increased is that for weapons and that for defence. Even saying that they will fight in Europe to ask for this expense to be deducted from the stability pact. So why don’t we ask for it for healthcare? So why don’t we ask it for school too? Why don’t we ask for it for investments, for industrial policies, given that our industrial system risks falling apart?” the CGIL leader asked rhetorically.